name: timothy
age: 18++
gender: male
d.o.b: 29/08/1989


June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008


Made in Photoshop CS
Picture & brushes by deviantART
Designed by hawKS


Tuesday, July 25, 2006
not really able to study these few days..hmm..who am i trying to kid~ not been studyin at all since poly started..seems like even though repeatedly telling myself not to repeat my mistakes in secondary school..the inevitable still happens..i totally shut off during lectures..absolutely lost in terms of work..not putting the slightest effort to even revise at home..but the worst part is that i am actually rather worried for my studies but the motivation is lacking..the soul is willing but the body is weak
not really feeling well these few a fever..luckily it subsided..only to find that it came back the very next day..felt damn weak after i got this cough that simply wont go throats damn sore..and i even coughed up blood..eew~ cant stop coughin..hope that it will stop soon..give my throat a break~

When our time is up
When our lives are done
Will we say we've had our fun
Will we make our mark this time?
Will we always say we tried?

reading these sentences..pondering upon them..i am struck with the gravity and the truth that these few sentences carry..hope reading these few sentences will set u thinking of how we lead our lives..

life is a long keep walking..someday u will reach the end..till then..carry on walking~

10:01 PM...i walked away

Sunday, July 02, 2006
why do we exist on this earth and what are we doing here >>> what happens when we die? will there be reincarnation?
when i first saw my friend's msn nick..i felt like you really want to know? there is only one way for you to know..go and die..only then will all your questions be answered..if man was to know of the answers to these questions..would we still fear would be deemed meaningless and nobody would cherish it anymore..
it is the bittersweetness in life that makes it all the more precious and causes us to cherish it is because everyone knows that in the end..we all will die..that makes people aspire to accomplish things of great magnitude and importance..
as for the purpose you are here on earth..that is for you yourself to find out as everyone has a different purpose in life..nobody can tell you what your purpose in life is..only you can decide it yourself..
life is short..imagine living your life..the many years of your life ending up in death..after are what does these few years mean in the vastness of only have one it to its fullest..
a man who has accomplished what he has set out in life to do and has no regrets dies peacefully with a smile on his face..a man who lived a live of regrets dies in anguished sorrow~

11:42 PM...i walked away

Saturday, July 01, 2006
exams are over!! phew..but the feeling i screwed up quite badly..argh..hate this feeling..but who else is there to blame except for myself..couldnt discipline myself to really sit down and study..and more often then not..found myself staring into blank space >.< but whats over is over..nothing i can do about point crying over spilt milk..
lala..suddenly overwhelmed with an urge to go out with friends..go out as a group and relax and enjoy ourselves..any place will long as there are friends with me..but now..everyone's so busy..for the people in jc..busy studying..people in poly..busy with their projects..but really dont feel like staying at home..rot~*
got quite alot of pressure being in my new poly class..the people there are like so smart and hardworking..everybody's so focused on their studies..i've got stress -.-" then also realizing that i dont actually understand alot of the modules that are taught..all of a sudden im quite anxious..the fear of retaining is surfacing..arghh..
really got to study and work much the pace i am going..i'll never catch up with the rest of the class..but now..jus after the exams..just want to relax abit..after being so stressed up during the process..

the word F.A.I.L. stands for

everyone is born a winner at the very start of their lives..nobody is a not lose hope..instead continue to push on~

1:57 AM...i walked away