name: timothy
age: 18++
gender: male
d.o.b: 29/08/1989


June 2006
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August 2006
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Made in Photoshop CS
Picture & brushes by deviantART
Designed by hawKS


Tuesday, May 15, 2007
its coming. E-LEARNING week..hur hur hur. ^^ next week is e-learning week..which also means staying at home the entire week. no need to wake up early to go to school. just staying at home to revise and learn some chapters on my own. though excited at the thought of being able to slack at home..i cant help but feel fear slowly creeping up on me. the thought that i'll be alone at home revising simply cant form in my mind..more likely is that i'll be slacking all the way throughout the whole week without getting anything done at all. and after that week..a few weeks more and my mid semester tests are here..thus..the feeling isnt so good after all.
no self control. thats exactly what i am..without any self control..left alone..i'll never get anything done. so even if its an opportunity to rest after all these weeks of school. i fear that i'll just let it pass me and not get anything done. so realli hate that feeling. already failed a module. seriously dont want that to happen again. seeing myself seperated from the rest of my friends..the feeling sucks. seriously. so most likely to be heading out of the house during that week. if anyone intends on studying outside..please let me know. thanks.
but still. surely not all of the week will be a studying frenzy. living up to my nature. i'll surely be game for some leisure..hanging out sometimes..a welcome distraction from my life.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything

Michael Buble - Everything

2:02 PM...i walked away