name: timothy
age: 18++
gender: male
d.o.b: 29/08/1989


June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
February 2007
March 2007
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May 2007
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January 2008


Made in Photoshop CS
Picture & brushes by deviantART
Designed by hawKS


Sunday, September 30, 2007
smile. a simple smile. its been plastered on my face for as long as i could remember. keeping emotions and feelings deep within me. i haven't gotten really angry for a long long time. i can't even remember when was the last time.
but seemingly some people just seem to forget that i am a human being too. sure i get annoyed at alot of stuff. but its a fleeting emotion. easy come easy go. anger. its a whole new ball game. sometimes you've got to know what is the limit.
on a random note. many people are telling me what to do, what not to do, whats right and whats wrong lately. but not always people see things the way you see them. in fact each person has their own unique viewpoint and perspective. it all depends on the way you see things. from different angles there are always different views. like a theft. u being the victim would surely think that it is wrong. but had you been in the robber's shoes you might have thought differently. in fact u might even think that it was the right thing to do or that it had to be done.
another thing that intrigues me. a glass of water filled up to half. would you think it's half full or half empty. a simple test that many or most would have probably heard of. but what intrigues me is that with such a simple test much about a person can be revealed.

Fame was like a drug, but what was even more like a drug were the drugs.

ahh. simpsons. truly entertainment.

11:14 PM...i walked away

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ah. life. pondering on some stuff and seeing that i have'nt been blogging for a LONG time. so time to write some nonsensical stuff about my life.
one of the many things that randomly shoot into my head. looking at the sky at night. so random yet so relaxing. pity we don't have much stars. only the occasional few. why in the world am i bringing this up. maybe cause the moon's real nice these few days. especially today. addictive how it can get. just dreaming away. a dreamer.
even as i write that. another random thought. isnt it nice to be a dreamer. to dream of stuff. NICE stuff. bad stuff aint dreams. they don't count c:
randomness aside. school's started. *sigh* another meaningless step in the journey to the working world where even greater stress and hardships await us. how i love my life.
nothing to write about as u can see. just thought it was a nice night to blog.
thinking of my poly class. or my class in year one to be exact. started off real nice all. having friends that gel together. the whole class united. now its a like an iceberg. flowing with the motion of the sea. chunks and pieces falling off crashing into the ocean alone. nice analogy i feel. >< haa.

Me fail English? That's unpossible.

simpsons. love them.

11:58 PM...i walked away