name: timothy
age: 18++
gender: male
d.o.b: 29/08/1989


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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i am tired. of it all.
school term this year is disastrous. the awesome thing is that the school has decided to do away with holidays in the mid term and thus everyone has to trot their sorry asses back to school right after their mid semester exams. awesome ain't it? before the mid semester tests rushing all we can to finish up our projects and assignments. not having enough time to study for exams. now right after the exams its back to school. isn't this great?
to top it off i am feeling pretty pissed off these few days. if Rodney Dorville had a brother he would be Koh Cheng Sing. these two lecturers are so similar. Koh Cheng Sing is my lecturer for a module this term and i am going to comment about him. oh yes. a long long comment. asked him more then five times this semester about a project. i asked him a question which was directly on the paper he gave us wishing he could clarify more specifically what i was supposed to do. all he said was "the question is not clear, so do what you think is right". what an awesome answer my man. spectacular. superb. splendid. #$%*&@.
if this was the case why the hell am i in school for in the very first place. i am taking electronics not some freaking comprehension skills class. okay so i do as i am told and do as i see fit. then he comes over and tells us what we are doing is wrong and that what we are doing is not according to what is written on the paper. well if he had bothered to explain in the first place what the hell could have gone wrong.
then he asks questions like "what is the frequency of this beep sound?" "what is the range of human frequency? what you don't know? thats common knowledge!" yea well man if my physics and memory was that good i wouldn't be in polytechnic or in this course for that matter in the first place would i. yea well thanks to this great lecturer my grades would be soaring in the opposite direction for sure.
on a side note. 2D1 chalet is coming up!! yea i am happy about that though quite a few people are not coming. get to reunite with friends and all that. yea i am happy.
results for this term is same old~ failed one considered a pass on the other and a final paper which i am quite pleased with. well all worries on the one i failed. hope it won't turn out to be another failing module.

SILENCE!! i kill u!

Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist

9:19 PM...i walked away